Since 1947, the Voice of Democracy has been the Veterans of Foreign Wars’ (VFW’s) premier scholarship program. Each year, nearly 40,000 high school students compete for more than $2 million in scholarships and incentives.
Students compete by writing and recording an audio essay on an annual patriotic theme. This year's theme is, How Are You Showing Patriotism and Support for Our Country?
Each year nearly 1,000 students enter this contest in North Carolina through one of our 138 VFW Posts across the state. After the Post level, if your essay was chosen as the Post winner, you will move on to compete with other Post winners from within your District. Each District will then choose 1 winner to represent that District at the Department level.
Each District winner will be invited, along with 2 guests, to a banquet that we hold in your honor at our February Council of Administration meeting (Room included) where we will announce the State Winner.
Thanks to the Veterans Foundation of North Carolina, we award a total of $24,000 in scholarships with the winner receiving a $6,000 scholarship ($1,000 of this comes from the Mr. and Mrs. James H Black Voice of Democracy Grant) and every District winner receiving at least a $1,000 scholarship! The winner will also move on to represent the North Carolina VFW at the National level and compete for the $30,000 scholarship grand prize!
For further information, please contact our Department Chairman, Scott Seddon
Phone: 757-348-1341
P.O. Box 367
Spring Lake, NC 28390
Contact Us via Email
Phone: 984-232-4909
M: 9am-4pm
T: 9am-4pm
W: 9am-4pm
Th: 9am-4pm
F: 9am-4pm